
Beautiful sunrise this morning from Blackford Hill, Juno was full of life.

Walked up with the p1 neighbour, her younger sister and mum, it was great hearing the laughing and noises the 2 young girls made on the way up the road.

Work was busy and again just got on with the tasks in hand.

I always pop into Real foods on the way home, tonight Eco son wanted peanut butter. Abbie one of the girls in the shop and I have a chat about stuff, mostly music of the punk variety. When we first started chatting she had an Exploited badge on, I told her that I saw them at my first gig supporting The Ramones.

Today she told me she is leaving to travel roung the world and not come back.
She seems to know what she wants to do, good luck to her it will be dullier in Real foods. This is Abbie on her break sitting outside the shop.

Back home to take Eco daughter out shopping for stuff for school camp which she goes away to on Monday. Football training cancelled due to a flooded pitch.

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