Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Patiently Waiting

.....and watching the sun disappear behind the tall stately building of the Trade of the few tall buildings that were in Dubai when I first arrived here.

The whole area was quite different and the roundabout was more of an ovalabout!!!! It seemed to take forever to go around and the central area was greened, quite something then, so people would have Friday picnics on it!!

Now you would be forbidden to picnic but more than that, you'de probably get 'squashed' under a 4x4 as you attempted to cross the five lanes of traffic to reach it!

It has stood in majestic splendour on this spot for over three decades.....and could be seen from almost every area of the city. Now, its swamped amidst all the latest tall buildings that have sprung up in the area and I wonder how long it will remain before being served with a demolition order for being over 30 years old!

For now...its standing tall and resplendent, with the sinking sun adding to its grandeur. I've tried to blip it in all its gracefulness even though prestigious Emirates Towers has sneaked into the pic.

It still is and always will be my favourite building.

Happy Blipping Everyone

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