
After three falling out of bed moments, we gave up with big girl bed and put her into her cot around 11pm. She wasn't happy about this but don't think either of us were completely happy about the situation.

She woke at 5:30!
Wide awake
Bushy tailed

Managed to persuade her to do cuddles till about 6:15 then went into her bed with the iPad and watched Charlie and Lola.

Up, dressed and out for swimming. She was trying really hard to swim and was almost there if she used my hand on her tummy. She got very upset in the pool saying me out, so we got out and dressed. She was fast asleep in the car by the time I had pulled out of the carpark.

She was so fast asleep that I altered plans and we just headed home. I carried her up to big girl bed, plonked her in and she slept. Waking some two hours later shouting for me, rather than climbing out of bed and setting the alarm off.

She ate my food for lunch, refusing to eat hers! Headed out to collect prescription / take duvet to be cleaned / pick up bed guard!

Can't work out how to attach bed guard!

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