Thank God (parents)

Sometimes, just sometimes, little things can drag you down and you need something to lift your spirits back up.

After a pretty horrendous fortnight I was definitely feeling a bit down in the dumps. Last night, with Lee fast asleep in bed next to me I texted R to see if they were free today, was meant to see them tomorrow but plans changed. They were. Happy happy happy.

Munchie helped me make lunch. Ham sandwich for Wom, carrot for Munchie (bing strikes again) we didn't have a wheelie (argh, more bing) but the change bag was a good substitute! We packed her scooter into the car and headed off to see them.

Lovely lunch, then rugged up to go on a scoot. Munchie loved it as everywhere was fiat and smooth. We got to cross roads and ended up at a fab park. Great fun was had by all, as you can tell from today's blip.

Wom, like munch, loves swings. Munch just loved it being a new park. She scooted all the way there and pretty much all the way back. Gaving great fun once back at theirs playing with someone else's toys.

R and G are super godparents to munch and Wom, so glad they are part of all our lives.


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