Fixes an immediate problem....

....but ultimately it's inappropriate and short sighted. Enough about the bin, let's talk about Lloyds and HBoS and the ramifications of the expected EU ruling announced today.

Well, it would appear that I'll still be working for a company owned by Lloyds for the foreseeable, but half of the people I've been delivering a project to won't be. In a day of of very clear confusion, a bugger's muddle was created out of the shotgun marriage of Lloyds and HBoS. "Who are you working for now?"...."I don't know, who are you working for now?"......ah well....the shuffling of deck chairs goes on.

Edit: Crossed the 200,000 views milestone this evening. Flip, little ole me has stolen at least 200,000 seconds from people throughout the world...who would have thunk it?

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