As like changing lens from macro to wide angle

Office day - got in late because of poor sleep last night. I am lucky to sometimes have that freedom. Was on my way for a quick photo course, but something made watch closer and then discovered that it was only for GoPro cameras. Dont have a clue what it is, but luckily I did not go in vain.
TV night - very touched by a programme with twin girls adopted from China. One lives in a family in US and the other in a very small village high up in Norway. Totally different environment. Families met and saw how the girls are identical in movements, temperament aso, but most of all the love between them and the strong urge to meet and stay in contact.

Another programme about a photographer in Mexico. He talked about the camera as a shelter between him and reality. He is making documentaries from zones where there is nothing but poverty and drugs. While I am making me a sandwich with pickles in my cosy calm kitchen. Thankful yes.
Very much.
We have lots of beggers from Romania in Stockholm. This morning there was a woman where I get off the subway and I met her eyes. I didnt have any cash, but maybe I would have passed anyway. If she is there next week, I will stay.

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