A New Day

Hi Tom

I woke up to this beautiful sky this morning. It didn't stay like it for long. I took this when I took the dogs out. Right now it's grey, windy, cold and tipping down :(.

The south of England has taken a right bashing over the last couple of nights. I feel desperately sorry for the people there. My friend works on the lifeboats down there and he said it's been hell. He sent me some photos which made me feel seasick just looking at them. I'm full of admiration for the lifeboat men and women...it's a tough job.

Apparently all the places for next years Fitjam weekend have been taken. It was sold out in two days. I'm really disappointed as I hadn't reserved a place. That shows you how good it was. The guy who is running it is trying to get another 150 places. I've put my name down on the reserve list and keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be lucky.

I've just seen a huge flock of birds flying off somewhere....I wish I could have wings and fly....somewhere sunny and hot preferably!

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