February Challenge - E

Day 5 of DDW's February daily challenge - E

Today I realised how hard it can be to find objects, subjects, themes etc beginning with E, especially ones that I hadn't done before. In the last alphabet challenge each vowel got repeated to fill up a 31 day month and my 2 Es were Emergency Change and Elegance, and while the weather is very similar to that in Elegance I didn't get out at lunchtime, and I doubt that I would have found such a wonderful selection of footwear being worn.

I had a sort of frustrating day, spending most of it getting various permissions to do a very complex task - plugging a temporary power feed into a piece of equipment!, but due to its location we had to get clearance from 4 different companies. Once I had permission I went to do the job, only to find it was already plugged in and switched on - I should have checked, but instead trusted the customer who told me it wasn't.

So with the theme of electricity dominating my day here is the electricity coming into my house for an e.

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