
One Street: Market Square, Shipley #105

Back very late after treating myself to a night at the cinema to watch "The Wolf of Wall Street". It had been thoroughly recommended by both my sons, and a host of other people. It's often said that truth is stranger than fiction and this story is testament to that, a tale of such debauchery and greed and every possible excess that it's impossible to suppress a degree of perverse respect for the protagonist. Once again, go see. I can't ever remember such a strong set of films and performances being up for Oscars as this time around. I really wouldn't want to make a call on the winners.

All my photography on a wet and very windy day (although nothing like as bad up here as in the south and west of the country) took place in a bus shelter. I recognised a lovely lady, Mavis (here), who I photographed back in August and surprised myself by managing to recall her name. She was so pleased that I remembered it too. It drew from her the loveliest smile and a definite twinkle in her eye! It also gave me the opportunity to talk about my photography to all the other people waiting for the same bus. Another lovely lady, Margaret (here) consented to have her photograph taken amidst much laughter. David here was enjoying the fun and was delighted when I asked if I could take his photo too. He has cerebral palsy and the most wonderfully open and engaging personality. I hope I've captured a sense of that here.

When I entered the bus shelter everyone was sitting in silence, in true English fashion, but by the time the bus had turned up I felt like I was having to leave a party. I'm guessing I was the talking point for their journey home!

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