Nothing like a Roaring Fire!

Nothing like setting in a roaring fire to warm you up on a cold morning ... but this looked like a bit of a roaring too far!

I ended up hitching a lift into work this morning as, after sitting stationary in Ilkley for twenty minutes, it was eventually decided that the trains weren't going to be going anywhere. The need to be in the office was too urgent to allow a wait for the alternate bus service they were going to provide. Driving down the hill from Baildon into Shipley I saw this chimney fire. It looked pretty serious. I jumped out of the car to get a picture and as there was no activity outside I could only presume that the occupants had no idea what was happening. I rang the doorbell, then clattered the knocker. After a little delay I heard some activity and the door was unlocked and then opened a little to reveal the face of an elderly man. I didn't want to panic him too much so I just smiled sweetly as I let him know quietly that his house was on fire! He didn't seem too perturbed. I don't think he believed me. 

It's not been an easy day, but by the end of the evening I had eventually solved all the problems of yesterday and got the new application working in the production environment. It's go-live day tomorrow. I did get a chance to experience that small thrill when something very complex starts working exactly to specification. It goes some way to rewarding all the recent trials and tribulations.

And thank you blip friends for your sage advice. There is a plan. I lost sight of it a bit yesterday but it's been brought back into focus again today.

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