More planning conflict

A couple of years ago we fought off proposal for a really massive industrial development to the east of Maidstone and bounded by the M20 motorway in the north. This was known as the Kent International Gateway or KIG

But they're back again. Another proposal for part of the land. A much smaller area but still significant as it is at the eastern end of open countryside leading to fears that if built it would put irresistible pressure on the land between the development and Bearsted and the M20.

And this proposal is not based on an objective, identified need in the local plan. No, we haven't got a local plan, so this is purely speculative proposal designed to make money for all the company's investors. Yes, it's all dressed up in mealy mouthed language and Eco friendly solutions but that does not distract from the underlying point that there is, as yet, no identified need or preferred sites selected for development as we've not got a plan.

It's not as if the proposal is anything special, huge warehouse sheds, light industrial units. They're 2 a penny around here, lots vacant and available but they want to build more. Not even decent jobs either.

This is yet another proposal, one of many up and down the country, the whole purpose of which is to make money for investors.

Very depressing, but the day ended on a high with a great meal out with friends Chris and Wendy. And Susan finished her long supply stint that started as a few days last October.

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