All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

2 hours later

My "me time" when Ethan was at nursery this afternoon was spending tidying up the playroom. The before photo is the aftermath of a playdate last week and general playing from Ethan and Eden which I've shut my eyes to! Today I tackled it - 2 hours later and it's looking good. I even cleaned the window frames really thoroughly, which we discovered were getting rather mouldy behind the furniture! When Ethan got home he said "mummy it looks different in here"!

After picking him up from nursery, Ethan and I walked up to a local After Schools Club. I'd spoken to the manager there yesterday and arranged to go up today for a look around. Ethan was very enthusiastic and told me he liked it cos "it has nice toys"! So looking like we might sign him up for there for when he starts school in 6 months time.

By the time we got home it was 5pm and I haven't done my weekly shop yet. So hubbie, Ethan and I went to a local Italian for dinner. Ethan managed to fall headfirst off his chair - fortunately caught in time by hubbie before he whalloped his head on the floor but sent his apple juice flying all over the table. Hubbie wasn't impressed when 15 minutes later I knocked over the replacement juice!

Ethan was shattered this evening and has actually went to sleep in his own bedroom without a fuss for a change. Let's see if he actually sleeps all night long in it!

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