Because this is who I am

By Brighde


You can tell this book has been worked to hell.

This book can be seen from years ago when I was trying to read it. It's so awful really, an old friend gave it too me ages ago and it has taken me this long to read it. Its not like I've been continuing to read it for this long, I keep getting bored with it and wandering off to read another book.

But now I've told myself that I'm not allowed to read another book until I have finished it. So, as you can see I'm getting closer to the end everyday.

So, since we last spoke I was nervous for my Sunderland University interview. Well, I finished my portfolio and I had my suit on and heels and I was ready to go. On the day I went to college first to get prepped up then I went to my interview. I got there and met the man who was going to interview me and basically, I tried to hard to sound clever and enthusiastic and amazing. I was so scared I wasn't going to get a place!

However, on the 31st of January I got an email saying I got a conditional offer for Sunderland! I honestly jumped around the studio screaming for about an hour. I was/am so happy I got in to do Glass and Ceramics so hopefully in september you will be seeing some glass related blips.

I'm so happy I get to share this journey with you all, for those who read everyday or have just joined me, I am appreciative of all of you guys.

Happy Blipping.

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