Because this is who I am

By Brighde


I swear to god this woman doesn't know how much she means to me, I mean yeah it was obvious before hand too but with everything that's gone on. I certainly love her more than ever. Have you ever wondered what if would be like without your mum around? at my age, i knew it would of been hell. So next time you're with your mum just remember all she's done for you and how much she means to you everyday.

I love this picture of my mum, she's so cute.

I'm going to London on wednesday which means a very excited me. The original reason is for art which is handy because we just got out exam brief for may! The subject I've chosen is Body Language. I know I could go anywhere with it but I'm gonna go to emotions and people watching. Like on trains and buses and stuff I'm gonna have to get sneaky pictures of people which is never subtle when you have a dslr. Oooo, which reminds me, wish me luck for my photography outcomes that comes with London, I really hope I get some good shots of such a big city.

Johns coming to London which will be amazing (again) because we're on really good terms at the moment. Its crazy how much we love each other.

Happy Blipping

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