Watch the birdie

Jaffa was back in his favourite vantage point this morning. He isn't going to let a crazy blipper with a camera put him off his mission.

The wall behind the bird table is perfect. There is enough bamboo cover for watching felines to have an element of privacy. But the frustration is that it isn't quite close enough to pick off the birdies as they feed.

The feeders are all fine (thank you people for asking) and the birds returned yesterday, once they were reloaded with mealworms and unwanted sourdough.

At one point, I was just checking on the peanuts yesterday, when Jaffa arrived. He is still trying to work me out - not scared but still wary. We were sizing each other up when a tiny, fluffy long-tailed tit arrived on a nearby branch.

This little thing was soon joined by at least a dozen others. Who would believe that a woman and a cat would be standing inches away from a tree full of tits !!!

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