Gaia's Child

By maura143

Rare Sight

Monarch caterpillars themselves are not a rare sight, although they are having a bit of a rough time of it this year it seems. What is unusual is seeing them munching away on milkweed leaves at the beginning of February, even here in North Central Florida. Of course I have also noticed that the birds are beginning to sing their territorial songs and the wrens seem to be checking out possible nesting sites. One got closed in my shed last night and if I hadn't been out looking for a blip this morning I wouldn't have heard it tapping on the shed's window. I let it out and it flew immediately to the bird feeder and dived into the seed. Poor little thing :( at least it survived to tell the story to it's kids!

Also, this morning, I heard the voices of many Sandhill Cranes flying over our house. Circling and calling, probably 20 or 30 of them. This behavior is called 'Ketteling'. The Sandhills circle high in the air, all the while calling their group/flock to gather and begin their long journey to their summer nesting grounds. This activity continues until the last group departs…not to be seen in these parts again until next fall. I plan to visit the Beef Unit at Uof F tomorrow morning. Hopefully, with any luck, those Cranes will not have already headed out…and I'll be able to get what will probably be my last Sandhill Crane shots for the season.

81F predicted for tomorrow…crazy hot for this time of year!

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