Uncut & Unabashed

By colormesanguine

Best Girlfriend Award

Today I should win the best girlfriend award. Ethan was having a work emergency where he needed an extra pair of hands but he forgot to confirm with a friend of ours. I realized that I didn't have anything really to do that day aside from my night class, so I volunteered to go! He warned me that it would be lifting and setting up for an event but I responded that I am not weak.

Lo and behold we were setting up an event for the NFL Players Association! I was starstruck! Even though there were no football players there... yet. But I was setting up the event where they would be in the future! It was pretty fun, yet exhausting, especially since I had to go to class at 7pm. Oh and I also got paid for it! I had no idea that was going to happen. Ethan told me when we got there and my jaw literally dropped. But that's not even the best part of the whole thing. The best part was spending the day working with my boyfriend. It was so fun, and not something that ever happens.

Pictured is the backdrop we built then set up with the NFLPA backdrop attached to it. I always wondered how they set up that stuff.

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