Uncut & Unabashed

By colormesanguine

Super Bowl Blvd

Friday was jam packed with a million and one things to do! First I went to the DMV where I renewed my license and FINALLY took a new picture! Everyone always has to do a double take when looking at my license. Then I went on a bit of a shopping binge, but I do need new clothes for student teaching and my future as a teacher. After spending unhealthy amounts of money I headed to school to do some work before heading back to the city to meet up with Ethan so that we could get our hair cut! We both needed some maintenance and the barbers were so surprised to see a girl with short hair coming in! Is that rare? Do girls with short hair not go to barbershops? Well anyways the barber did an amazing job and I love my updated look! Then we went out to dinner to check out the place where I might be having my birthday celebration on Saturday! Ahh exciting! The food was absolutely delicious and I can't wait to come back.

At the end of the evening I met up with my family on Super Bowl Blvd. As you are all my witness I vow to never make that mistake ever again. It's like going to Times Sq for New Years Eve: crowded, uneventful, and it is what you make of it. I for one didn't see the point, but I guess tourists seemed to have fun.

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