Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

Especially when trying to take close up photos of everyday objects!

This picture is for the technical challenge topic of abstract and for DDWs challenge C is for Cleanliness and trust me, it really is true for this type of photography. I thought I had a clean set up until I started tweaking the pictures in Photoshop but no; dust and crumbs everywhere which I mostly cloned out and then that big black smudge on the ruler which I simply had to leave. Goodness knows how I didn't see that when I was setting the photo up.

As I'm typing this, my phone is buzzing away intermittently. Taking a quick peek, I see it is Luke & Rosina abusing each other on Whatsapp. Even though they are both round the other side of the world and thousands of miles apart, they still can't resist a good argument. It's just so much harder for me to bang their heads together now.

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