
By katjcullen

Registered Yoga Teacher Training (RYTT) & Job Tran

On Saturday, I did a little but of everything to say the least... It was one filled day of experiences!

Woke up to enjoy coffee and chatting with my newly engaged best friend ("soul sister") and her fiancé. (Which I'll talk more about the "soul" one day.) We spoke about wedding things, family, plans, you name it. It's always refreshing to talk with someone who just gets you... There's no doubt in my mind as the connection in our relationship is indescribable to words and I can't help but be so thankful to have such an amazing friend in my life.

By mid-morning, I went on to train for what I'll call my "golden egg" for the year of 2014 and which is to become a Registered Yoga Teacher!!! Gosh, do I have so much to be excited and thankful for right now!! Well, the pic to the left is following my morning practice of Jivamukti yoga with Jerry and the class. It's once again one of those experiences and connections in life that just can't be explained by the limitations of words. It's what yoga is for me and I love the blissful, nirvana afterwards which I feel is captured in the image to the left.

Saturday afternoon, I went on to Jennings to close out my job as a social worker at Stepping Stones. It was absolutely bitter-sweet. I had a lump in my throat filled with emotion throughout the afternoon. It was my first job as a licensed social worker and I've been lucky enough to have worked with incredible people so passionate about their work with people who have mental illness. I will miss them dearly and always appreciate the experience I was provided. At the last moment when I was leaving I thought, " Wow, this is it. I'm moving on from here to new experiences and to touch more and more lives. This desk is empty and ready for someone else just as passionate, if not more, to fulfill it." And that moment in itself showed me just a sliver of perspective of how much I truly love the work I do and never want to take a day of it for granted.

Saturday evening, Nick and I went out to the farm to visit his family and nieces. As always, we had a great time playing games, talking, and laughing. This time tonight, made me feel rejuvenated and sort of like a kid again-- doing hand stands, jumping around, and playing charades. Haha, never a dull moment.

This entire day sort of puts down a base layer for the entire year ahead with all sorts of new beginnings and experiences happening, I'm looking quite forward to it all! Personal growth and change, professional growth and change, family growth and change and friends' growth and change. So many great things... To me it's the breath of "ahh..." in LIFE.
Just taking it all in :)

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