
By katjcullen

Louisiana Winter Storm 2014, Fresh Market Run

Round 1 of the winter storm/polar vortex took place on Jan. 24-25, which resulted in no work, staying at home in Crowley and freezing cold outside!!
Round 2 of the winter storm took place on Jan. 27-28, which once again resulted in no work, better preparations and spending lots of time at home in Lafayette.
Both storms were roughly the same with sleet and ice in our area.
The best part about the storms was being able to spend some great quality time with both my family and my boyfriend. The first round, I spent with my family in Crowley and the second round, I spent with Nick in Lafayette.

I'm actually quite grateful for the second storm occurrences as I was able to learn more about Nick's work in the real estate world and I was able to do some much needed cleaning, organizing, sorting and getting rid of old STUFF. We enjoyed making breakfast, building a fire in the fireplace, cooking soup, drinking champagne, working out, practicing yoga and just being in each other's company. It was definitely much needed R&R for the both of us.

Today I've returned to work to end my last week in Jennings and turn over a new leaf of work experience starting next week. Looking onward to a very busy weekend ahead: engagement celebration of my best friend, wedding of a childhood friend, moving my office, and yoga teacher school. Ahh and the sound of Sunday evening couldn't sound any better.
Cheers to the end of the first month of the year!

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