Super Bowl Sunday

I have this pair of cardinals that allows seem to elude me the minute I pick up my camera. Today I kept my distance and used my telephoto lens to capture one of them sitting on the fence in my yard. It is not the clearest photo but I like the contrast of his red feathers next to the fence and evergreen.
Today is Super Bowl Sunday and I can’t think of anyone I know of locally that won’t be watching it. The four most-watched broadcasts in U.S. television history are all Super Bowls. It is practically considered a national holiday. It is also the second-largest day for U.S. food consumption, after Thanksgiving Day.
Since commercial airtime is so very expensive during the game, the companies that advertise during the broadcast are showing their best commercials. As a result, watching and discussing the commercials has become a pretty big deal. Whether you follow football or not you are most likely going to watch this game. If you do follow football and happen to have your favorite team make it to the Super Bowl, it is a very exciting day.
My favorite team didn't make it but I chose a team to win for the fun of it. It is a good excuse to drink beer and eat snacks!

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