Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Wrong choice

We took a wander through the Grassmarket on our way to the afternoon movies. It was a lovely sunny day, but very very cold. Sorry about the lens flare - it was either this or my soup. Popped in to my favourite cafe and had soup for lunch. And of course, they served it really nicely, but I had the biggest soup spoon ever, and to avoid slurping, I put it all in my mouth each time. I don't know which was the most impolite.

Went to see 'American Hustle'. It's in line for Grammys etc, and has had good reviews, so I thought it would be worth giving up an sunny afternoon when a Scotland rugby match was on!

No it was not.

It was soooo long. And so boring - everyone mumbling away and doing deals and double deals. I had completely lost interest within the first twenty minutes - about the time the person a few rows behind had finished rustling in their sweetie bag. Reminded me of why I don't really mind not going to the movies. At home, I would have switched channels! No, at home I would have been watching the rugby...

However, the afternoon ended on a high note - the infrequent bus service which is even more infrequent on a Sunday arrived with only four minutes wait! That really cheered me up.

Now I'm home, got the fire going. Music on to avoid hearing the 5pm news JR was listening to, and I'm about the watch the recording of the match. The afternoon could yet end on an even higher note...

But probably not...


PS just watched the second half in fast forward - less painful that way.

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