Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Today was The Day. Archie met his match. Mark, the dog trainer came, and immediately Archie knew he meant business. And he had lots of yummy treats. (Lidl's best)

Mark walked Archie round the block, on a loose lead, with Archie walking to heel and paying attention to him the whole way. No sniffing at every hedge and lamppost. No picking up every bit of rubbish. Just trotting along like a little wind up toy. I was trotting along behind.

We had a couple of tests - a cat sitting on a wall. Archie barked hysterically as they walked past. The cat did not budge. But Archie was able to walk back past it again without barking. He barked rather aggressively at a young dog too, and Mark had to yank him away. But we passed lots of toddlers and prams, and he kept focussed on Mark. I was so proud of him (Archie, not Mark).

We're going to work on this for a couple of weeks, then Mark will come back with his own dogs. We have to get the heel bit right first, before we tackle the barking.

Actually, of course I had started training him to walk to heel, but then I gave up, as I didn't mind him changing sides - after all, the walls/hedges/gate posts on the other side must be very interesting for him. But no. Walking to heel it has to be. Sorry, Arch.

It was an action packed afternoon, as we also had a couple of chaps to valet the car. Much the best way to do it! It looks and smells lovely now.

I took Archie out for another training walk before dark. He wasn't as good as when he was with Mark - there was a bit of pulling ahead, and picking up of rubbish. Hmmmm. I think dogs just know when a person is to be obeyed. This is going to take several pocket fulls (pockets full?) of treats. Be lavish with them at first - even cut down on his meal amounts.

This is him with JR - exhausted after his training walks. I hope he's going to dream about what he's learnt.

PS He did so well in his lesson that I won't even mention the fact that he piddled in the hall this morning... as I was putting my shoes on to take him out. As if he couldn't have waited another two minutes ...

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