
By LadyFindhorn

A Hundred Not Out!

Today I've posted my 100th blip. Not a big total in the grand scheme of things, but a satisfactory birthday blip for me. Joining Blipfoto has changed my life (and family members too !). No longer do I leave the castle without my camera strung round my neck, and I am much more aware of the world around me. I like seeing things I wouldn't have noticed before, and surprisingly I love writing the blip for the image I choose. Hopefully in the next 100 blips I will improve my photography and learn more about the technicalities of what I'm doing with the camera.

Today has been beautiful and his Lordship and I together with daughter no 1 cycled down to Aberlady and the Gosford Farm cafe. We were surprised to find it so busy that we had to sit outside. That wasn't a chore though as it was very mild and sunny. Daughter no 1 being 25 years younger than me found the going a trifle slow even though we were pelting along at 20mph on the way out, ( but much less on the way back into a headwind). That's what you get when you introduce these youngsters into a sport and then they beat you hands down after 2 months. Needless to say, I wouldn't have it otherwise.

Happy Guising!

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