Top of The Lake

Tiny and Tussock reporting

Those also serve who only stay at home and wait.

So said John Milton (well sorta) some years ago and I know exactly how he felt as The Boss and The Bossess avoided looking me in the eye as I was delivered “The Good Girl” message and they duly departed. I was concerned to note that Tiny was attached to the camera pak and on her return found that they had travelled to Glenorchy to deliver stuff to a client of The Bossess and The Boss had gone for a grrreat walk and engaged in all sorts of photographic activities including ICE CREAM eating…all without me. disgusting!

Of course this is the real “Top of The Lake” territory including The Glenorchy Pub which I hear now has 21 room 13’s in order to deal with the international demand for that room. If you have not seen the TV series “Top of The Lake” I am sorry but I am not allowed to explain what happened in the bar of that pub that caused such a heavy international demand on room 13. The Boss says that I would need to have my mouth washed out with soap…….hmmmmm might be OK but perhaps not. Probably depends on the brand of soap I guess.

The TV series gave a grrreat presentation of the scenery in this area and Glenorchy is a must visit if you are to enjoy a unique Jet boat ride on the Dart River (a proper jet boat ride) or perhaps explore the hiking trials that abound in this area. The Routeburn. The Caples and Greenstone. The Rees and Dart valleys. This is a truly wonderful area for hiking and NO you can’t take a dog. Sigh!

Oh and you have to book a year ahead for room 13.

more room?

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