
Something entirely different today as The Bossess took me out with her walking group this morning.
This is not like The Boss’s group ‘Cos they only meet once a month but it was a nice walk except for a bit of unfortunate planning…The Coffee place they planned to re-caffinate at wasn’t open when they arrived. So it was The Boss to the rescue when she got home which was timely as he had been slaving away, on his own, unloved (by me) over a hot lawnmower and other assorted garden thingies. Just before you start to feel sorry for him I should point out that when he is mowing lawns I AM safely tucked away inside somewhere ‘Cos I can’t stand the lawnmower which makes noises that he (with ear muffs on) can’t hear but I can.
For after T walk…That’s T for grub not T for Tussock, we just returned to yesterday’s spot and with hardly a paws or a lens fiddle we captured a moment.

The Boss is planning a movie night tonight as we are just over the hill (no comments please) from the Rippon Music Festival, a 2 yearly event in the local vineyard. Some times in the past it has been really noisy but the wind must be a bit different as we can only hear it when outside today and it promises to be a lovely calm night.

I appreciate the comments from yesterdays Blip and The Boss was very aware that the lad did not have a helmet. There were a number of young blokes at the park with boards and stuff that didn’t have helmets either. It must have been uncool helmet day as it was 26 C The Boss thinks.


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