
By BoydMcAdam

Chinese lanterns

Made a trip this evening in the sleety (heavy) rain to Old College Quad of Edinburgh University. A free exhibition is underway in conjunction with the Confucius Institute of Scotland of the Terracotta Warrior Lanterns. These were developed for the 2008 Olympics and now tour around the world.

From 4-9pm they are lit up and the dozens of statues from a bright display, including a family with an expectant mother. Right at the front is a single horse - most appropriate for this Chinese New Year.

In 1982 I saw the recently found army in situ in Xian - a hugely impressive sight with each character individually crafted. No comparison with today's exhibition but this one is also well worth a visit (it runs until 7 Feb). The fact that they move slightly in the wind provides an added dimension.

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