
Wide awake at six shouting for daddy
Popped my head round the door and said no daddy, will mummy do?
Ok was the answer!

We went swimming
No balls out today but she enjoyed it all the same

Home, crashed.

Brother came over and very kindly cleaned the carpet in charlottes big girl room, furniture can start going in now.

Lunch, drove to the hop pocket in the pouring rain, nice mooch.

Home, played.

Daddy home with three equally lovely presents.
A gorgeous pair of red moshulu? (Is that how you spell it) boots that I have desired for ages, amazing bunch of flowers with a beautiful flower that I may just need to blip tomorrow to ask what it is and another multi picture frame as I wanted to do one of Charlotte from baby to current day. Felt very spoilt.

Headed out for tea with the girls, must get better at just going and not staying to check Charlotte and daddy are ok! Had my first ever nandos. Wasn't what I expected but very tasty and enjoyable.

Home, spent some time going through old photos ordering ones for the frame, found it very hard looking at the ones of when she was in her incubator.

Off to ikea tomorrow, excited!

In other news, one live nit located, one dead nit located. Tried her with her hair up today to see how she was with it... She looks older and very beautiful in my eyes. Today's blip was when we were having morning cuddles, her finger position amused me.

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