Itchy itch itch

Charlotte woke up this morning shouting for daddy!
Two problems - it was 6am and daddy wasn't here.
She had done a poo so I managed to persuade her once clean, to cuddle in the bed.

I noticed she kept scratching her head, but put it down to not washing her hair last night.

Lazy morning, playing, stickering, colouring etc and a two hour sleep.

Lunch, took this blip as Charlotte kept looking at her cake as if to say 'is this it?'.

Went to sainsburys to look for clothes for Munchie, managed to spend small fortune. Whilst in the queue she had a major itch attack, I looked, I spotted something crawling!

Quick detour back to medicines and some nit lotion later we paid and headed home. She allowed me to comb her hair and there were quite a few of the pesky buggers crawling. I then did mine! Eurgh, sharing!

Treated us both tonight, think need to stop sharing a hairbrush. Have stripped beds, changed towels and generally sterilised anything that goes near heads!

Deep joy!

Daddy home - Charlotte being an utter mad thing!

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