Pinksters Puzzles .


Trainer Trouble Tales

Not a pretty sight . They look a bit tatty , probably a bit whiffy ( there not mine , mine wouldn't whiff being a girl and all that ;-) ). I rather wish they were not here though . But they are so a days worry and anticipation , of wondering and waiting for me, a mother .

You see , their owner is my very own little skallywag . It is a great day for him . He has been chosen to represent his school in some inter school running event about 70 miles away .
emmm I am not exactly sure where as it was all quite short notice and everything starts here about 70 miles away . I had a form to sign thrust under my bleary eyes as I was about to retire to bed last night after sampling a glass of a most delicious Vouvray wine from a different estate to my normal one . This is MAISON DES PRINCES estate oooo and I notice now on reading the back that it is best served with tarte tartin , and I didn't have any , hurumpft ., RIGHT back to the plot .

So , empty boy-less trainers .

He has taken his spikes . He wanted to take his spikes .
GREAT , PERFECT you might think ?

NOT , I think . At great expense( as he seemed to choose the most expensive in the shop,) I bought the spikes for him a year ago (eager to encourage his eagerness ) when he fancied himself being a runner .
The trouble was he was not allowed to wear them at school , so he has never worn them . Guess what . ? They are now to small , HURUMPFT ,and I can't help but feel that one has to practice and get used to spikey trainers , or one could just be spiked to the ground unable to move when the starting pistol sounds .

OOOOOOO I can't bare it .He was so excited and honored to be picked . His sporting abilities have come on leaps and bounds since he started high school last year and it has done wonders for his confidence . One seems to be in with the IN CROWD if one is good at sports .

I did try to tell him ofcource , but with his father dead and just a fluffy mother who likes pink leather car seats to guide him , he obviously took no notice . I did see him in his Jim Jams dart by the window on the front lawn about 10.45 last night having a quick practice . Worry not , it was still light here at the top of Scotland.
This morning he was up at 6 .00 am showering and getting his hair into a trendy style , (blllllless , it will soon get mucked up with sweat , BUUUUUUT a boys got to do what a boys got to do ) .
I packed him a nutritious lunch with Tuna , fresh fruit and lots of water , but was forced to swop the healthy tuna with CHOCOLATE SPREAD and bags of crisp
(I hid the apple and banana in his bag to , teehee ). We were first at the school at 7.00 all kited out with them BLINKING spikes in his bag , and the usual running attire left behind HERE , taunting me .

They simply had to be BLIPPED because they could prove to be a discussion point AGAIN , on his return this evening .

OH GOLLY , I have just had a thought

What if he he gets stuck in the grass on the READY STEADY GOOOOOOOOOO bit , falls flat on his nose ,and breaks his arm whilst stopping his fall , Then he wont be able to ride his new Bike , that is still un rideable anyway , as it still has a puncture , but could be mended soon .HOHUM

His parting words to me when I dropped him off where ,

" Bye Mum, did you pack the spike screw driver ", ERRRRRRR , WHAT is a spike screw driver ? ",

' T will be a long day wondering ...............................

HEY , I am enjoying this BLIPPING .

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