
By Houseonahill6

This old house

Felt better today so we decided to treat ourselves to lunch at the Storehouse. Parsnip and honey soup with a cheese scone and very nice it was too. Was tempted by the meringue but did nt have room !
The weather forecast had promised wall to wall sunshine but someone forgot to tell the clouds. It was still pleasant out but not very bright. Some of the sky was a lovely with orange and pink tones ( can't help saying 'tone' in a Tom Jones voice now ) and the rest shades of grey.
We drove back through Culbo and I spotted this lovely farmhouse and outbuildings. I liked the silhouette of the tree next to it. There was snow on the mountain tops in the distance.
A buzzard was digging into his meal by the side of the road but by the time the camera had turned itself on it had taken off. The tide was on it's way out as we reached Udale bay .Plenty of waders were on the mudflats. Lots of oyster catchers and red shank. Wigeon, mallard and Shelduck were in the water which flows near the bird hide and a number of lapwing were gathered on the bank. One heron looked very comical with it's head tucked down between it's shoulders, looking very grumpy !
Back home for a cup of tea and watch the sunset :)

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