Chinese New Year's Eve

Photek - 101

Cleaning out my apartment for the New Year, I came across a lot of rubbish that in hindsight, was completely useless. This sign you see here was on the floor as I entered my Kariya apartment for the first time. It was important to me in that I was starting a new life, unbeknownst to me what will occur in the future. There were a lot of ups and a lot of downs, however, I'm still here which means it was a success. There were many things that were unexpected over the last year and many things that I'm extremely thankful for; the beautiful people that entered and exited out of my life has created the person I am today.

However, holding on to such things can be damaging to the soul, depending on the grip that holds it in place. Sometimes that grip goes beyond its boundaries and holds you down. It's hard to throw away things due to sentimentality but it's even great to take a chance on fear and throw away things that will never be needed again, including love, people, and most importantly, hate. Such stereotypes never surmount to the completeness of true reality, but such things help simplify and encourage progress. This year is over and I'm on to the next one. My love always.

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