The Snake and The Kylin

Satin Jackets - You Make Me Feel Good (Deep Mix)

Right now I'm currently watching Hebi Ni Piasu (Snake And Earring / or Snake Piercing) which is an interesting film about tattoos, sadism and masochism. I'm not particularly partial to getting a tattoo (nor am I extreme in either S or M) but it's fascinating. Since a discipline or a way of thought can be taken into such focus, I can't helped but be compelled to one's motivation to find meaning. For me, it's cinema, photography, music and art. Through such meaninglessness of the everyday and the insurmountable weight of nothing, finding truth out in the darkness is worthwhile.

When events in our lives have closed their chapters, it's scary to know that ANYTHING could be next. At these points there is nothing and it's extremely scary. However, there will be meaning again, the ebb will over well and flow naturally into a stream of higher consciousness.

I am not better than anybody else, but we all walk our own journey, hurting and helping others along the way, pushing them into their natural growth. This is so. I am thankful, happy, and give love for everything, even my pain and sorrow.

On a more grounded note. Two of my most beloved students had their final lessons today. I am absolutely thankful for them and I'm blessed to have our lives crossed. There are many moments where I walk the streets late at night after clubbing, DJing, etc. and I see people even more lost than I, and all I can think about is the well being of young people I'm responsible for. My teens and early 20s were wraught with selfishness and a lack of perspective for the other (I still am and still have more to learn, as people keep coming in and out of my life for controlled or uncontrolled reasons). But I hope, each and everyday, I will learn and become a better person. I hope that I have made a difference in my students' lives as they have made of mine. Safe travels, my dear children; my dear friends. I never thought that being a teacher (or more accurately, a coach) could reap such deep and wondrous rewards.

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