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Well it certainly isn’t airmail I recon.

Delight was in the air as we set out after grub and the further we got up the trail (see I called it a trail…cool eh) the less people we saw and that meant only one thing…….STICKATHON!!!!!!!
Well it was bigans and smallans and thickans and thinans and a stop for a drinks break, just like the cricket blokes, and a stop for a Blip break and home to post Blip before my favourite TV program “Silent Witness” which is all about bones. It’s funny but if they employed a dog or three I recon they would get their person quicker.

Hey…. I really enjoyed the comments on yesterday’s “Passenger seat” Blip but I am a bit concerned after RedFlash’s comments to find The Boss ratching around in the garage and looking in dark spaces for something. I may have to phone Health and Safety ‘Cos I don’t like the look in his eye’s.
AND to raine, it wasn’t eyeliner ‘Cos I accidently ate it from the makeup tray. Yummy!

Parcel Post

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