We heart you Peppa!

Odd day, daddy poorly in bed till midday. He didn't go shooting! shock horror

Charlotte was pretty amazing, apart from insisting we check on him about every half hour she was happy to play downstairs and just chill. We watched far too much Charlie and Lola but hey ho.

Uncle John arrived with breakfast which was pretty lush, although slightly odd to be eating it with him and not Lee. Charlotte demolished her sausage sandwich.

Put Charlotte down for a sleep at eleven and crawled into bed with daddy, finished the rest of the latest Bridget Jones, did not enjoy it nearly as much as the others, but a good read all the same. Think I must have dropped off as it was 12:30 and Charlotte was awake shouting dinner!

Cheese on toast all round for lunch, then fresh air will do you good mantra was implemented. We walked as far as we could towards the orchards behind the house, the flooding is really bad at the moment so apart from some wows from Charlotte we came back as we could go no further.

As you can see, someone enjoyed the puddles rather a lot! Bit gutted that her waterproof was at nursery as it would have been great, but hey ho!

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