
By CleanSteve

A garden woodpecker again

It was rather murky today and events rather took over. I didn't feel much like taking pictures today art all. I stood at the back of the house looking through the large sliding doors watching birds feeding and once again noticed the large hole bored high up the trunk of the sycamore at the bottom of the garden. Last summer I blipped a baby green woodpecker with its head sticking out of the hole waiting to be fed.

I wondered about other woodpeckers and then a few minutes later I saw this one land on the rhus tree's trunk where we hang some of the bird feeders. My old camera, the Canon 50D, was lying on the table so I grabbed it and quickly took a couple of shots through the double-glazed doors. The woodpecker climbed the trunk a little bit but before it headed on to the peanut feeder it was disturbed and flew away.

I should say that Helena, who blips as Woodpeckers, has started to use the 50D occasionally so the settings were rather an unknown quantity. I'm glad it is being used, although I think she finds it a bit heavy and too complicated at the moment.

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