Raring to go!

It looks like today will have been my last day of this season! There are six days left but my diary is empty, irony that it was my first "two coat day" of the season too. Yesterdays rain didn't reach us until after dark, persisted through the night but had cleared by first light.
The morning was cold and bright, birds hard to find and hit. The girls spent a long time waiting to work today, as seen here they intently watched the gun line and when possible the beating lines progress. At this end of the season they think they know their job best and with long waits they can be difficult to handle to where "you" want them. In some ways the end of the season is welcome . We can savour the good bits, time will mellow the bad bits, and next season is a blank canvas to dream about!
The two coat part of the day came mid afternoon, when an anvil shaped cloud deposited its contents upon us as we searched for a pricked bird, good job I am a "3 coat" pessimist ;¬)
Hope it was a good day for you one and all.

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