South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Blue pansy

There's a flower bed full of these (and some strange spiky pink and white flowers) not too far from the church. It was fairly sheltered there so the wind wasn't blowing them around too much, and I managed to get a pretty clear shot. We tried to grow winter pansies once and they all died, so we've never bothered again! I think the conditions this year must be quite good for them - maybe because it's been reasonably mild so far.

The wind is blowing up a storm - well, Storm Lilli to be precise! Very serious for the Somerset Levels which have been flooded for over a month now, with villages cut off and supplies having to be taken in by boat. The Somerset local council have now asked for government help if needed as it's supposed to get even worse after the current storm. So the troops may need to go in to help, as the locals are apparently exhausted by all the ferrying of people and food by boat along what's supposed to be lanes.

I expect our field will overflow again, but it's not too much of a problem - just means walking on the other side of the road until it begins to dry up a bit. The worst of the storm along the south-east coast will be tomorrow morning between about 9 am and 1 pm., but the winds seem really ferocious already and there is some rain at the moment (5 pm). I wonder just how our farmers are getting on with all this terrible weather?

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