A Skull In The Hand, London

Day 24 of 365. This week has seemed so long and draining - it's felt like eight or nine days of work instead of five! At least getting off the train tonight meant going straight to the pub for a pint and the knowledge that I don't have to get on the infernal thing again until Monday morning.
Fridays are known at work as "walk with raised eyebrows" days - in reality this means we all go to this cosy little pub for lunch to have a good old chinwag, a laugh and a chance to let off some steam. I look forward to this so much and it's a perfect way to prepare for the weekend.
Unfortunately, this afternoon I had a meeting in which it was outlined all the work we've got to do in the next few weeks - which means overtime, working at weekends and one or two really late finishes (10 - 10.30 p.m) - deep joy!
Today's shot is from Carnaby Street, which is on the walk with raised eyebrows route. I haven't included a photography quote for a few days so here is one from Richard Avedon - "All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth".

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