Numbers & Leaves, London

Day 23 of 365. Incredibly busy morning at work - managed to shoot over 900 images in less than two hours - that will take a lot of editing down! Consequently, I didn't manage to get out for lunch until about 1.30.
Thursdays are food shopping days, so off I trotted to John Lewis to buy the ready meals (this week's is chicken in ginger and soy with cashews plus egg fried rice, and for pudding jam rolly poly with custard to be washed down with a nice bottle of wine!) for Friday evening (it is law in our house that there is no cooking on Friday evenings).
Today's shot is of hoardings that try to hide, but fail to do so, the giant Crossrail workings at the far end of Hanover Square. For some reason over the past couple of years hoardings hiding major engineering works are no longer plain but have to be a forest of leaves or a giant, demonic cat (in the case of the large site at Victoria) or the strangest I've seen - a front garden including flowers, railings and posh windows but twice life size (weird!).

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