Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

Batter and Spatter!

I've spent the whole morning glued to screens! But fear not, it wasn't Jeremy Kyle of Philip Scofield or even BBC News.

BATTER, wallop, smash went Rafa and Roger as they fought for a place in the Australian Open Final. We don't have Sky, so only now are we getting the chance to see the games. My favourite won!

There was just time for coffee and a slice of toast before

SPATTER It was time to set up the laptop for a 40 minute Goggle Hangout with our teachers on the Forensic Science Course. If you are up on your microbiology, this'll be nothing to you. But I was only 12 when I last studied anything biology-related so all these leucocytes and alleles and AT/GC and STRs are absolutely nippin' ma heid!

There's a serious point here. I was forced to drop my sciences after S2 on the grounds that I was clearly an arts type! Fair enough ... my eventual Highers were in English, French, German, Italian and History: such one-sided learning would be discouraged nowadays but the post-14/15 specialisation still occurs to an extent. However, future scientists are still likely to study English to Higher, whereas future English Grads may have no science learning beyond 13/14. Given the need for lifelong learning in the 21st Century, it seems to close off an alternative pathway at an early stage....... but I have been on both sides of the argument as a professional and as a mum! Maybe Curriculum for Excellence will sort it all out (Sorry.... must remove tongue from cheek!)

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