
By tadpoleview


Day out today, and we really tried not to do the usual stuff, so we opted for a trip to B-o-t-W. Quite unusually in our experience the place was quiet, with no hoards of foreign tourist everywhere. Even the ducks looked as though they were taking the day off! It was great to be able to browse without the pressure of others wanting to 'push through'.

As expected the River Windrush was running deeper and faster than usual, probably the only thing that was moving fast! There was evidence here, and in the pretty village nearby of Lower Slaughter, of protection from floodwater in the form of sandbags at or near some of the doors and flood barriers too.

You can't quite see in the picture as its just round the next bit of the river, but there was a large Christmas tree in the middle of the river. From overhearing what someone saying, I believe it is probably put there each year and illuminated - there were no decorations on it today, but I guess the river has been too high and fast to allow them to remove the tree. I don't think I've ever seen it there in the summer. Or perhaps I'm just unobservant.

Makes me wonder what else I've missed in other frequently visited places, just because we usually go there at different times in the year.

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