
By TeaAddict

You Mean I have To Eat That?

Hmmm - tried a new recipe for a vegetarian curry this evening. Doesn't exactly look appetising! I haven't actually tried it yet as I'm waiting for Mr M to come home from working this evening. I'm hoping by the time he comes in he will be so hungry he will eat anything without looking too closely at it!

The cats were much better behaved last night so I was able to catch up on my sleep. The only game we played was the 'Stake-My-Claim' game.. that's the one where we all start off by going to bed with a share of bed space that reflects our respective sizes and then during the night, the aim of the game is to see how much more of the mattress you can claim for yourself. The cats are remarkably good at it!

..and we are still plagued by blue-bottles! What drives me mad is the flies follow you from room to room.. I'm starting to feel like that character from the Peanuts cartoon - the child with the flies that buzzed around his head all the time! *sigh*

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