
By TeaAddict

Lone Star

Goddamit! Every year this happens.. every year!

Every year, about two weeks after I have nearly given myself a hernia wrestling the Christmas decorations back into the attic, I find one decoration that I have overlooked! This year it's the wicker star that was hanging on one of our windows. Well it's just going to have to stay on the window until Christmas 2014!

Feeling a bit tired today after the cats took their wrath out on us for leaving them alone for a few days over the weekend. They spent most of the night playing some of their favourite 'cat games' while we were trying to sleep.. Around 3am it was a couple of rounds of 'human-trampoline', 4am they were playing 'stand-on-the-sleeping-human-and-knead-their-bladder' (a particular favourite) and by 6am it was the 'headbutt-the-human-until they-get-up-and-give-you-breakfast' game.

I'm hoping that we have now been forgiven and we will get a more peaceful night's sleep tonight!

The joy of cats!

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