Life to the full75

By Lifetofull


Baby Music was hilarious this morning. Crazy doesn't quite do the first group justice, we had toddlers teething and feeling grumpy, toddlers whose fingers had got trodden on, babies who were suffering from separation anxiety when they had crawled away from mummy, tantrums, a broken ethnic maraca with tiny beans pinging everywhere and even a picnic in a group with 17 mums and 19 under 3's.

Second group though was a completely different story, 4 tiny babes under 6months 1 crawling little one just gone a year and a sweet affectionate, gentle toddler just turned 2. It was quiet, calm, gentle, even peaceful at times.

I wasn't any different, the songs were the same but boy did I sense the difference.

Thinking a lot about Church and calling and trying to seek God's will and word. Study is providing a challenge in that which I hadn't really put together, today was Naman asking for the soil so he can worship God... Hmm am I seeking unnecessary soil, God is constant, He will be with me, He will not forsake me. Naman didn't quite get it there but then he asks for God's forgiveness and shows amazing understanding of God's grace. God I want to walk in that understanding.

Chose this photo today but because of the light, in all my wondering and pondering I would pray that God shine His light, highlight His way.

God of surprises, may we discover new joy as we find you in unexpected ways. Give us eyes to see beyond our own experience and grace to respond with open faith. For Christ’s sake. Amen

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