And again...

Rubbed the walls down a second time. Quite pleased that they had dried overnight enough to do this so quickly again.

Worked slowly to see the bad bits, but not slow enough. Painted the whole lot in drywall primer and found all the bad bits (eg edges in the mud) and I think I'll fix them tomorrow morning.

I actually think my drywalling and mudding is actually coming along. 1 more wall to do at the next house before I do it for real on our own home later this year.

Managed to get the trim at the top caulked as well and it's starting to come together. If I had water I might have painted ceiling as well but ran out of time.

Oh, and we started to evict a tenant. What fun. Had them on the phone all afternoon. How difficult is to explain "no there is nothing to discuss" and "pay your damn rent".

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