
By Houseonahill6

When the red,red Robin comes bob,bob bobbing along

This little robin has been chasing it's mate or enemy around the garden but it stood long enough for me to grab a shot. They're a great little bird to have in the garden, the gardeners friend as they often come down to eat the beasties that have been dug up.
There are several stories relating to the Robin. An old Irish folk tale tells of a father and a son who sort somewhere to stay on a bitterly cold day. No where could be found except for a bush that provided some shelter. The father managed to build a small fire. They took it in turns to sleep or watch the fire but it was nt long until both fell asleep on the cold ground. A hungry wolf was passing by and fancied an easy meal. the fire was nearly out and a little brown bird that had been watching and flew down and fanned the fire until the flames became bigger. The poor little bird was so close to the flames that it scorched his chest making the feathers red.So from that day onwards the robins feathers have remained red.
Other stories tell of how the robin pulled a thorn from the crown of thorns worn by Christ. Blood dripped down onto the little robins feathers making then red.

I hope you all have a robin in your garden to keep you company :)

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