Crystal Cushion

Piercing into the crisp cold day the long stalks on the cushion moss covered in crystals almost dancing with excitement - maybe it's the movement in the stalks! I love the feeling of vitality in this.

Tiny little stalks less than a centimetre big; taken this morning before the sun rose high enough to reach the table they were growing on.

Big scary day tomorrow: Tilly our Westie is having a hugely delicate operation to move the salivary ducts which are located in her mouth up to her eye - both of them. She has dry eye which we've been coping with for a couple of years now and it's got no better. I am frankly frightened witless. Huge four figure sum involved and maybe the chance it may not work even then. Am going to have to hang around Leominster all day and wait as it's too far to drive there and back twice in one day. So keeping my fingers and toes crossed!

Just gone hot and cold typing this!

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