Attended a SUDS (sustainable urban drainage system) workshop with about 12 fellow inmates. We had tour of the village drainage systems which was far more informative and interesting than it sounds. I can add French drains, swales, holding ponds and perculation pipes to my growing knowledge base now.
Apparently we have the most state of the art SUDS in Ireland. It took the tour and talk for me to appreciate that!
Otherwise it was a homely Sunday. We put our new oak bed frame together, a belated wedding present from my parents (we celebrate 6 years this year - one doesn't want to hurry an important decision or purchase)! They are coming to visit and inspect it in Feb, if it passes muster they'll pay up - I hope (thanks Ma n Pa xxx !!)
Then had an appointment with the new season of 'call the midwife'. I don't watch childbirth dramas or fly on the wall docs usually, they are too heavy on the drama and screaming, plus they rarely get the midwifery right, but I do quite like 'call the midwife'. The women and midwives feel more real , the births are much more normal and the obstetric emergencies are dealt with correctly. Yes altogether far more satisfying!!! Plus they wear very nice red cardi's, perhaps I should get one for cycling round the village?

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